This Modpack aims to improve the core Valheim experience.
Valheim is an amazing game for us here in wewclub. Many of us love creating our own small place in a giant open world with other Wewers. We survive, farm, and fight together. If you would like to join us, you can do so by joining our Discord and applying the Wewheim Inhabitant role to yourself.
I created this mod collection specifically for very easy installation and configuration. You just have to download the .ZIP file, copy all the files into your game folder, read the rules in the Valheim channel, and then you can already join Wewheim 3.
If you want to support the mod creators of the mods included in this modpack, make sure to visit the different mod pages by clicking the download button in the list below.
None of the files inside the .ZIP are owned by me.
Compatible with patch 0.218.15
Older versions:
Modpack Update Log
Here you can see all changes made and what is planned for future modpack versions
New Mods
Mod Changes
Mod Removals
New Mods
Mod Changes
Mod Removals
Serverside Mods
Mods that are completely serverside
Expand World Prefabs
by JereKuusela
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
Utility Mods
Mods that have no impact on gameplay
by Denikson
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
by ValheimModding
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
Epic Loot Therzie
by JewelHeim
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
Server Devcommands
by JereKuusela
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
Upgrade World
by JereKuusela
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
by ValheimModding
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
BepInEx ConfigurationManager
by Azumatt
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
Quality of Life Mods
Mods that aim to improve the moment-to-moment gameplay
Top Mining
by Lodukas
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
by Advize
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
by Azumatt
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
by Azumatt
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
by Azumatt
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
by Sarcenzzz
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
by MarcoPogo
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
by Azumatt
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
by Nextek
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
Timed Torches Stay Lit
by TastyChickenLegs
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
Item Stand All Items
by JereKuusela
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
Decorative Mods
New Items that have no impact on gameplay but add new things to the game
by Plumga
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
Gameplay Mods
Mods that change and/or add new gameplay and creatures
Epic Loot
by Randyknapp
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
by Smoothbrain
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
New creature star colors:
Magenta – Quick – Moves faster
40% increased movement speed.
RED – Aggressive – Attacks faster and tries to hit you more often
Attack speed increased by 25%, interval between two attack waves and circle time reduced by 50%, interval between circles increased by 150%.
GREEN – Regenerating – Regenerates health over time
BaseHeal = Health at 0 stars * (1 + 0.25 * stars), Healing = BaseHeal * (10 * log(max(10, BaseHeal – 1000)) / (BaseHeal + 1000)) * 1.2 / second.
CYAN – Curious – Comes checking for you from a farther distance
Hear and view range increased by 100%.
WHITE – Splitting – Splits in two lower level enemies with the same color upon death
BLUE – Armored – Takes less damage, but moves slower
66% less damage taken, 50% reduced movement speed.
Elemental Infusions:
Fire-Infused: Resistant to fire damage and vulnerable to frost damage. Ignites you on hit.
Frost-Infused: Resistant to frost damage and vulnerable to fire damage. Freezes you on hit.
Lightning-Infused: Resistant to lightning damage and vulnerable to spirit damage. Deals lightning damage.
Spirit-Infused: Resistant to spirit damage and vulnerable to lightning damage. Heals itself on hits.
Poison-Infused: Immune to poison damage. Explodes in a poison cloud on death.
Chaos-Infused: One of the other infusions, randomly selected on each hit.
by Therzie
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
by Therzie
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
by Smoothbrain
Functions and Additions
Nothing here yet.
nothing. wew.
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