CitizenCon 2023: 12 Months of Future Content Delivery in One List


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CitizenCon 2023 was amazing!

The Intention was to deliver everything presented (excluding Squadron 42) within the coming 12 months (starting with the Q4 2023 release till Q4 2024).

With the following list, organized by presentation sections, I want to keep track of what major feature got delivered and if CIG can keep the plan of 12 months.

Here is how you read the list

Game feature unreleased:

[Game feature]

Game feature released on LIVE servers into the PU:

[Game feature]

In the list of major features, items marked in red are yet to be released, while those in green have already been released.

You think I have missed an important feature? If so, you can contact me on discord or write a reply under this post.

Please note that there are some features I consider too insignificant to include in this list.

This list will not be updated anymore. Please visit the official Roadmap for more up-to-date information.

By December 2024, only 29 out of 56 listed features had been released. CIG was unable to achieve its goal of delivering all features within a year.

The biggest features at a glance

RED means unreleased and GREEN means released.

Static Server Meshing

Starsystem Pyro




Shaping the ‘Verse – The Future of StarEngine

New Quantum-Travel effect
Fire Simulation and attached gameplay
New water simulation and deformation
Maelstrom (physically based destruction system)
Ground fog, follows terrain and scatters light
Cloud Improvements with light shafts
Temporal upscaling (CIG TSR, AMD FSR2, Nvidia DLSS 2)
Vulkan implementation
Raytraced GI
StarCloth (character cloth simulation)
StarHair (character hair simulation)
New audio simulation (Realistic mode)
Static server meshing

Fix It and Fly It

Resource Management (Engineering gameplay)

Navigating the Universe

New Mobiglas
FPS repair gameplay
FPS scanning
3D minimap downloadable to mobiglas
Unified Starmap (seamless transition from local map to stars)
Path routing with pins
Datarunning (Share/sell markers)

Character Advancement

Frontier clothing
Rough & Ready Gang
Headhunters Gang
Player hygiene gameplay
New hair types
New character heads
New character creator with sculpting mode

Life in the First Person

Zero-G EVA experience update
Player traversal updates (prone, ladder, slide)
Inner thought updates
Player animated interactions
Kiosk and terminal update
Looting screen update
FPS Takedowns
FPS Radar ping
Weapon wear
Weapon scope improvements

Taking Flight

Immersion in the Cockpit (relaxed state, interaction prompts)
Complete Ship HUD rework
Ship-to-helmet MFD casting
New configuration profiles for different situations
Master Modes (Nav Mode, SCM Mode)
Quantum boosting
Position sub targeting/painting for gimbals
Control Surfaces

Living on the Edge

New settlements with local missions
Reputation and access to areas (Good, neutral, bad)

Destination: Adventure

Distribution Centers
New hauler gameplay (perks & rewards)
Container attributes
Freight Elevators
Personal hangars
Basebuilding (with landclaims)

This is where we
hang out.

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