Discord Server Guidelines
last updated:
Discord Server Role Structure
Is responsible for the brand community.
Community Manager
Is responsible for the community and takes moderation actions.
Robotic Overlords
Bot role for moderation and logging.
Was selected during our 2022 VIP program and is considered as one of the OG’s of wewclub.
Has written at least 30.000 messages. This is the highest obtainable role for chatting activity.
Has given us a Nitro Boost (thank you!)
Chat Wizard
Has written at least 20.000 messages.
Chat bot
Has written at least 15.000 messages.
Chatty Cat
Has written at least 10.000 messages.
Senior Member
Has written at least 6.000 messages.
Has written at least 4.000 messages.
Has written at least 2.000 messages.
Has written at least 1.000 messages.
wewcorp Member
Star Citizen Organisation Member. This role is only a display role.
Has gone through the discord onboarding verification process.
Optional Roles
Channel Access Roles, Creator Roles, Game Server Roles, Gender Roles
Star Citizen Organisation Role Structure
wewcorp Council
Is responsible for the organisation.
wewcorp Marketing
Is responsible for the branding and marketing.
wewcorp Recruiter
is responsible to get new people on board and the onboarding process.
wewcorp Coordinator
Is responsible for the people inside the organisation and events.
wewcorp Rank 5: Warden
Is helping the Coordinator with events and is partly responsible for the people inside the organisation.
wewcorp Rank 4: Mentor
Comming soon.
wewcorp Rank 3: Advocate
Comming soon.
wewcorp Rank 2: Senior
Comming soon.
wewcorp Rank 1: Associate
Comming soon.
wewcorp Rank 0: Recruit
Comming soon.